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Isaiah 4

In his Day of Judgment Jehovah preserves alive those whose names are inscribed in the Book of Life.

1 Seven women will take hold of one manin that day, and say,We will eat our own food,wear our own clothes,only let us be called by your name—take away our reproach!
2 In that day the plant of Jehovah shall be beautiful and glorious, and the earth’s fruit the pride and glory of the survivors of Israel. 3 Then shall they who are left in Zion and they who remain in Jerusalem be called holy—all who were inscribed to be among the living at Jerusalem. 4 This shall be when my Lord has washed away the excrement of the women of Zion and cleansed Jerusalem of its bloodshed, in the spirit of justice, by a burning wind. 5 Over the whole site of Mount Zion, and over its solemn assembly, Jehovah will form a cloud by day and a mist glowing with fire by night: above all that is glorious shall be a canopy. 6 It shall be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, a secret refuge from the downpour and from rain.


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